Coronavirus created a rent debt crisis.
Right now, 1 in 8 renters are in debt to their landlords, and millions more are worried about the rising cost of living.
The Government withdrew the last of the Covid support in September 2021. But renters are still struggling with debt and insecurity caused by the pandemic, and at risk of eviction.
With the cost-of-living crisis driving up energy prices, food costs, the price of goods and rents, those still struggling because of the pandemic are facing even more poverty and debt.
Families are being forced to make the heart-breaking choice of paying the rent and putting food on the table.
The rent debt crisis won’t go away on its own. The Government needs to protect the homes of the half a million households who are behind on the rent.
By preventing evictions, raising welfare support, and clearing rent arrears that have built up due to this crisis, the Government can still make sure that no one is made homeless as a result of covid-19. #NoHomeAtRisk
Add Your Signature Now
We, the undersigned, call on the Prime Minister to end the rent debt crisis and ensure that no renter loses their home due to the economic shock of Covid-19 by:
- raising local housing allowance to average rents,
- suspending evictions for arrears caused by the pandemic, and
- clearing rent debt with a Coronavirus Home Retention Scheme