Help us fight for renters rights.
Together we are powerful.
Our members have helped us secure a better deal for renters and hold criminal landlords to account.
They are who we rely on when renters’ rights need defending.
Their actions, big and small, put pressure on governments and decision-makers to do the right thing.
Join Generation Rent Today
Choose the membership that best suits you
Our members play an active role in Generation Rent. Have your say over the direction of our work- shape policy and direct our campaigns.
All members receive 4 member benefits :
- Quarterly e-newsletters with exclusive member content
- Priority access to our renters rights events
- Membership of our Renters’ Panel
- A reserved place at our annual member strategy session
£5 a month
Receive all 4 members benefits
Friends and Family Membership
£10 a month
Allows you and 2 friends or family members to receive all the benefits of standard membership.
Student and Reduced Membership
£1 a month
Available for students, or those unwaged, working part-time or retired.
Receive all the benefits of standard membership at a reduced price.
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