Responding to the report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Private Rented Sector, the Residential Landlords Association for the first time ever opened the door to the development of a register of landlords.
In its response, the RLA said:
“On the subject of landlord registration, the report rightly proposes that the Government should look at the barriers preventing the use of landlords contact details already available through statutory tenancy deposit schemes or to local authorities rather than creating a vast new bureaucracy.”
This tone echoes comments from Richard Lambert, chief executive of the rival National Landlords Association, who, speaking at a New Local Government Network event on Thursday, said that while the NLA used to be absolutely opposed to landlord registration, it was now “much less clear cut given the proliferation of local licensing schemes”.
Alex Hilton, Director of Generation Rent, said:
“A national register of landlords is essential if tenants are to be protected from exploitation. It gives councils a powerful tool to enforce against rogues while saving taxpayers money. With Landlord opposition now crumbling, it’s time for the Government to take this forward.”
Landlord bodies have repeatedly stated the cost of implementing a national register would be £300 million. Generation Rent has published a short briefing on how it could be implemented at zero cost to the taxpayer and in fact improve Council Tax collection rates.