Private renters spend 40% of their income on rent, compared with owner occupiers whose mortgage payments average 20% of income, according to the Government's English Housing Survey published this morning.
That means that renters spend two days a week working to pay off their landlords mortgage - most would prefer to be paying off their own, but house prices are far too expensive. It's hard to see how this could be characterised as anything other than exploitation.
An initial set of figures for 2012-13 was published in February - today's more detailed look reveals that:
This graph makes it clear just how inadequate the private rented sector is - we have proposed a number of policies to fix it in our Renters Manifesto - and sign up here!
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Reach the team:
Bismah Naqui – 07498926134
Nye Jones – 07590720116
Generation Rent is the operating name of the National Private Tenants Organisation Limited. | We are a Company Limited By Guarantee, registration number 08731888. | Generation Rent, c/o Read Milburn, 71 Howard Street, North Shields, NE30 1AF
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Generation Rent can’t offer advice about individual problems. Here are a few organisations that can:
You might also find quick but informal help on ACORN’s Facebook forum, and there are more suggestions on The Renters Guide.