After an eight-year campaign, today we heard that the government will bring in a register of landlords in England as part of its levelling up agenda.
The Times reported this morning that the Housing Secretary Michael Gove will also raise minimum standards that private rented homes have to meet in line with those in the social sector. The Mirror has also covered the story – you don’t have to register to read theirs.
With a national landlord register, renters will be able to check their landlord meets basic requirements to let out property, while a list of all rented properties in the country and who owns them will also make it easier for councils to enforce safety standards and prosecute the criminals. See our recent research on how local licensing schemes are also helping raise standards, and why it needs to be rolled out nationally.
We’re still waiting for more information, including whether homes will need to pass an inspection before being allowed to be let out, or whether councils will be left to respond to complaints and target inspections through licensing schemes.
We’ll share more information as we get it – but in the meantime we’ll be celebrating another win for Generation Rent.
Help us keep working to make sure the proposed legislation benefits renters as much as possible – donate to the campaign here.