Have you ever delayed getting a landlord to maintain your home because it's not worth the bother? Have you ever felt they'll just string you along or worse, evict you as a trouble maker? Well that could soon be over.
MP Sarah Teather has tabled a Private Member's Bill in Parliament that will outlaw so-called revenge evictions.
The truth is that only the worst landlords will boot a tenant over a maintenance issue, but you don't know if you're one of the unlucky ones until you make that complaint. The behaviour of a small number of dodgy landlords creates a very real fear for millions of tenants.
Write to your MP now to demand they support this Bill
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Bismah Naqui – 07498926134
Nye Jones – 07590720116
Generation Rent is the operating name of the National Private Tenants Organisation Limited. | We are a Company Limited By Guarantee, registration number 08731888. | Generation Rent, c/o Read Milburn, 71 Howard Street, North Shields, NE30 1AF
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You might also find quick but informal help on ACORN’s Facebook forum, and there are more suggestions on The Renters Guide.