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Your landlord’s or letting agent’s responsibilities towards you

Can I own a pet while renting?

Can I get a pet in my current rented home? And, how can I persuade a new landlord to rent to me with a pet?
A member of our houseshare is moving out
My housemate is moving out, so what do I need to do now?
I’ve been asked for a guarantor
My landlord has asked me to send details of a “guarantor” for my rent. What does that mean?
I’m moving home – what do I need to know?
I’m moving home soon but I’m not sure what I can expect from my landlord. What should I know?
My landlord is not returning my deposit
My landlord will not return my deposit/wants to make deductions from the deposit. What do I do?
How do I get out of my tenancy agreement?
My circumstances have changed and have to move
Do I have to renew my tenancy?
I’m coming to the end of my tenancy but don’t think I want to commit to another year. Can I stay in my current home on a monthly basis?