Victims of domestic abuse could be trapped into tenancies for 6 months under new changes to rental reforms
The government has announced that they plan to water-down the Renters (Reform) Bill currently passing through Parliament by forcing tenants
It’s Been Five Years Since the Pledge to Make Renting Secure, What’s Changed?
Today marks the 5th year anniversary of the pledge to end Section 21 evictions – something that is still not
In our broken asylum system, we all lose, it’s time for a change
The way that we run our accommodation for people seeking asylum in this country is harming them and costing the
The UK must stop criminalising people who sleep rough
Generation Rent has today joined other housing and homelessness organisations in calling on the government to end their plans to
Government and landlords reach deal to progress the Renters (Reform) Bill: our reaction
Today, government correspondence has appeared in the press which details a number of concessions made to landlord groups and pro-landlord
Renting around the World: Comparing Europe to England
In the first Renting around the World piece, we look at how some European countries compare to England on security
Scottish government sets out long term rent control plans
Today the Scottish government has published the Housing (Scotland) Bill, which contains proposals for a new system of rent controls
Ten years of campaigning for renters
On 26th March 2014, Generation Rent launched. We had a team of 5, some big ideas and polling which showed
Campaign update – Parliamentary Committee backs Generation Rent calls on Local Housing Allowance
Generation Rent saw a campaign success today as a new report by the House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee
Rents up 9% across UK
Yesterday the Office for National Statistics released their analysis of rents in the UK, and the results are shocking but
Why low supply of homes puts renters at risk
Figures have been shared with Generation Rent by the classifieds platform Gumtree showing that over the last 12 months, adverts for
Welsh Parliament hears that key workers are locked-out of renting in the country
Renting in Wales is unaffordable for a range of key workers, with the median rent in Cardiff worth 48% of