Breaking the letting fees ban – what we know
Holding deposits are the most common type of payment that landlords and letting agents break the rules on.
Know your rights as a UK tenant
Each year 1.5 million private renter households move home – that’s about a third of the renter population. And each year, around 200,000 people move into private renting for the first time.
Whether you’re moving out of your childhood home, or this is your fifth move in as many years, make sure you’re aware of your rights. We have worked with the TDS Foundation to produce a guide to your rights as a tenant. The position of renters is slowly improving – today protections against revenge evictions come into force and landlords are required to fit smoke alarms – but it is still easy to get ripped off if you aren’t prepared.
Printed copies of the guide are available from Generation Rent on request.
Once you’ve brushed up, test yourself with a quiz we’ve put together with the Mirror.